Joanna Łopacińska-Strzyż's Beauty Studio


social media for the beauty studio

I comprehensively refreshed the communication in social media for a beauty salon in Wrocław


Joanna Łopacińska-Strzyż's


Graphic Design


Social Media Strategy


Beauty Studio


january 2023




Today, everyone is chasing growth - more customers, likes, employees, machines, cars, more money, and so on in a constant cycle. But what if I told you there's another way? 

I warmly invite you to explore the Case Study of Joanna Łopacińska-Strzyż's Beauty Studio. With over 20 years of experience in non-invasive cosmetology, Joanna has established a strong position in the local market. Moreover, various life experiences have led her to no longer blindly chase after acquiring new clients. 

Today, everyone is chasing growth - more customers, likes, employees, machines, cars, more money, and so on in a constant cycle. But what if I told you there's another way? 

I warmly invite you to explore the Case Study of Joanna Łopacińska-Strzyż's Beauty Studio. With over 20 years of experience in non-invasive cosmetology, Joanna has established a strong position in the local market. Moreover, various life experiences have led her to no longer blindly chase after acquiring new clients. 

 Therefore, our main goal was to refresh the image of the beauty salon online. This included improving communication and increasing engagement and loyalty among existing clients, as well as building trust, establishing an expert position through education, and creating an interesting Instagram profile that serves as the brand's business card.

 Therefore, our main goal was to refresh the image of the beauty salon online. This included improving communication and increasing engagement and loyalty among existing clients, as well as building trust, establishing an expert position through education, and creating an interesting Instagram profile that serves as the brand's business card.

 Therefore, our main goal was to refresh the image of the beauty salon online. This included improving communication and increasing engagement and loyalty among existing clients, as well as building trust, establishing an expert position through education, and creating an interesting Instagram profile that serves as the brand's business card.

We utilized various forms of communication, such as photos, short videos, and stories, to deliver valuable content in an attractive and easily digestible way.

First step - audit

First step - audit

First step - audit

We began our collaboration with a series of conversations, during which I focused on getting to know Joanna in-depth, understanding her work philosophy, and identifying the characteristics of her clients. Together with Joanna, we defined the profile of her audience, as well as their needs and problems, to develop a plan for engaging and tailored communication. 

Our collaboration didn't end over a single cup of coffee. As always, I delved into the intricacies of a new industry with full curiosity, aiming to gather all the necessary information. Additionally, I had to familiarize myself with new legal regulations pertaining to marketing in the beauty industry, as well as required clauses and prohibited practices. 

Joanna is fully committed to her brand and genuinely cares about the needs of each of her clients. With her knowledge, skills, and well-equipped beauty studio, she provides comprehensive facial rejuvenation services. These services are not only completely safe but also highly effective. Joanna's mission is to enhance natural female beauty and diminish visible signs of skin aging. 

I conducted an audit of the existing online image activities. I found several issues, both visual and content-related.

We began our collaboration with a series of conversations, during which I focused on getting to know Joanna in-depth, understanding her work philosophy, and identifying the characteristics of her clients. Together with Joanna, we defined the profile of her audience, as well as their needs and problems, to develop a plan for engaging and tailored communication. 

Our collaboration didn't end over a single cup of coffee. As always, I delved into the intricacies of a new industry with full curiosity, aiming to gather all the necessary information. Additionally, I had to familiarize myself with new legal regulations pertaining to marketing in the beauty industry, as well as required clauses and prohibited practices. 

Joanna is fully committed to her brand and genuinely cares about the needs of each of her clients. With her knowledge, skills, and well-equipped beauty studio, she provides comprehensive facial rejuvenation services. These services are not only completely safe but also highly effective. Joanna's mission is to enhance natural female beauty and diminish visible signs of skin aging. 

I conducted an audit of the existing online image activities. I found several issues, both visual and content-related.

Visual Reception

Lack of consistency, 
Absence of a leading color in post creations, 
No posts created with thematic blocks, 
Large blocks of text in graphics, 
Weak background image, 
Lack of high-quality photos, 
No images of the salon/services, 
Missing information on client testimonials, 
Absence of both long and short video formats.

Content Posted

No Call-to-Action (CTA) at the end of posts, 
Lack of attention-grabbing headlines, 
Absence of thematic blocks, 
Lack of regularity (only 2 posts per month), 
Posts are focused on 'how' rather than 'why', 
Missing storytelling and audience engagement,
Use of technical language rather than descriptive, accessible, engaging, and vivid language

Action Plan and Conceptual Design

Action Plan and Conceptual Design

Action Plan and Conceptual Design

Although the most important content and message of a post are often in the description, social media users typically notice the graphics first. Let's face it, we are all visual creatures to some extent, so if we want to communicate effectively on social media, effective and well-chosen graphics are a must-have. 

Initially, I focused on creating a graphic key - a new style of post creation that aligns with the brand's visual identity. I incorporated fonts used in the logo and colors found inside the salon. 

After consultation and a few revisions, we reached an agreement with Joanna, thereby developing a social media communication aesthetic. I aimed to avoid clichéd patterns like the graphic templates from Canva that every beauty salon uses. The result is coherent, and in the mind of the viewer, these creations immediately evoke associations with feminine aesthetics - warm and delicate. At the same time, everything is very clear, modern, eye-catching, and memorable. 

Based on this, I will create all materials and post templates. Meanwhile, I proposed a new design for the background image. 

Although the most important content and message of a post are often in the description, social media users typically notice the graphics first. Let's face it, we are all visual creatures to some extent, so if we want to communicate effectively on social media, effective and well-chosen graphics are a must-have. 

Initially, I focused on creating a graphic key - a new style of post creation that aligns with the brand's visual identity. I incorporated fonts used in the logo and colors found inside the salon. 

After consultation and a few revisions, we reached an agreement with Joanna, thereby developing a social media communication aesthetic. I aimed to avoid clichéd patterns like the graphic templates from Canva that every beauty salon uses. The result is coherent, and in the mind of the viewer, these creations immediately evoke associations with feminine aesthetics - warm and delicate. At the same time, everything is very clear, modern, eye-catching, and memorable. 

Based on this, I will create all materials and post templates. Meanwhile, I proposed a new design for the background image. 

Photo Session

Photo Session

Photo Session

Additionally, in collaboration with Timmi Studio, we organized a wonderful photo session at Joanna's beauty salon. Kuba took many excellent photos, which I could use for post creations, fully moving away from stock images. This will surely contribute to building a strong brand image, increase customer engagement, and effectively present the salon's offer. 

In parallel, I worked on proposals for thematic blocks, presenting topics we could write about. My goal was to shift from focusing on presenting offers and machines to more on the effects and experiences of clients. 

In this regard, I used Joanna's knowledge and experience. For each proposed thematic block, I created appropriate graphics that are consistent with the developed style. After choosing the topics, I proceeded to write pilot posts. In terms of content, just like in graphics, I aim to develop a coherent brand tone. 

I wanted the content to fully reflect Joanna's character, while being accessible, friendly, vivid, and engaging for the audience. Tailored communication language and content adapted to the target group increase the chances of gaining audience activity. This is especially important when relying on organic content published on Facebook.

Additionally, in collaboration with Timmi Studio, we organized a wonderful photo session at Joanna's beauty salon. Kuba took many excellent photos, which I could use for post creations, fully moving away from stock images. This will surely contribute to building a strong brand image, increase customer engagement, and effectively present the salon's offer. 

In parallel, I worked on proposals for thematic blocks, presenting topics we could write about. My goal was to shift from focusing on presenting offers and machines to more on the effects and experiences of clients. 

In this regard, I used Joanna's knowledge and experience. For each proposed thematic block, I created appropriate graphics that are consistent with the developed style. After choosing the topics, I proceeded to write pilot posts. In terms of content, just like in graphics, I aim to develop a coherent brand tone. 

I wanted the content to fully reflect Joanna's character, while being accessible, friendly, vivid, and engaging for the audience. Tailored communication language and content adapted to the target group increase the chances of gaining audience activity. This is especially important when relying on organic content published on Facebook.




It was important for me to ensure regular activity on Facebook and Instagram. Posts are the driving force of any profile, so I made sure that the content presented was diverse but also thematically coherent. 

Client Transformations



Lifestyle Guide

Client Transformations

 This post series was created to share remarkable transformations with our community. Our goal is not only to showcase visible results but also to educate and inspire. We demonstrate how services improve the appearance and well-being of our clients, who become the heroes of this series. Additionally, we build trust through transparency and authenticity of the presented cases.

Collecting and Sharing Reviews

 In this segment, our main aim is to appreciate our clients. This way, we build an authentic and active community where every client's opinion is valuable and can inspire others. Furthermore, reviews not only help in better understanding expectations but also support the trust-building process.

Service of the Month / Promotions

Through this post series, we introduce our followers to selected services that are highly recommended or available at promotional prices for the month.

We educate and build exclusivity around these offers. Promotions are communicated exclusively on social media platforms, fostering a bond with our clients and shaping a positive image of the beauty studio.

Health and Lifestyle Guide

This extensive thematic block is a compendium of Joanna's valuable, long-term experience in health, beauty, and lifestyle. Our goal is not only to provide cosmetic services but also to fully support and educate our clients on self-care.

We educate while simultaneously strengthening engagement and deepening relationships with our community. We present practical health tips, trends in cosmetology, skincare information, diet advice, and promote a happy lifestyle.

Client Transformations

 This post series was created to share remarkable transformations with our community. Our goal is not only to showcase visible results but also to educate and inspire. We demonstrate how services improve the appearance and well-being of our clients, who become the heroes of this series. Additionally, we build trust through transparency and authenticity of the presented cases.

Collecting and Sharing Reviews

 In this segment, our main aim is to appreciate our clients. This way, we build an authentic and active community where every client's opinion is valuable and can inspire others. Furthermore, reviews not only help in better understanding expectations but also support the trust-building process.

Service of the Month / Promotions

Through this post series, we introduce our followers to selected services that are highly recommended or available at promotional prices for the month.

We educate and build exclusivity around these offers. Promotions are communicated exclusively on social media platforms, fostering a bond with our clients and shaping a positive image of the beauty studio.

Health and Lifestyle Guide

This extensive thematic block is a compendium of Joanna's valuable, long-term experience in health, beauty, and lifestyle. Our goal is not only to provide cosmetic services but also to fully support and educate our clients on self-care.

We educate while simultaneously strengthening engagement and deepening relationships with our community. We present practical health tips, trends in cosmetology, skincare information, diet advice, and promote a happy lifestyle.

Client Transformations

 This post series was created to share remarkable transformations with our community. Our goal is not only to showcase visible results but also to educate and inspire. We demonstrate how services improve the appearance and well-being of our clients, who become the heroes of this series. Additionally, we build trust through transparency and authenticity of the presented cases.

Collecting and Sharing Reviews

 In this segment, our main aim is to appreciate our clients. This way, we build an authentic and active community where every client's opinion is valuable and can inspire others. Furthermore, reviews not only help in better understanding expectations but also support the trust-building process.

Service of the Month / Promotions

Through this post series, we introduce our followers to selected services that are highly recommended or available at promotional prices for the month.

We educate and build exclusivity around these offers. Promotions are communicated exclusively on social media platforms, fostering a bond with our clients and shaping a positive image of the beauty studio.

Health and Lifestyle Guide

This extensive thematic block is a compendium of Joanna's valuable, long-term experience in health, beauty, and lifestyle. Our goal is not only to provide cosmetic services but also to fully support and educate our clients on self-care.

We educate while simultaneously strengthening engagement and deepening relationships with our community. We present practical health tips, trends in cosmetology, skincare information, diet advice, and promote a happy lifestyle.

Summary and Conclusions

As a result of over a year of collaboration, we not only achieved the goals set at the beginning but also strengthened the positive image of Joanna Łopacińska-Strzyż's Beauty Salon among clients. 

The constant presence of personalized and attractive graphics on social media, supported by valuable content, has strengthened ties with existing clients and attracted new ones. Additionally, we updated the website and the Google Business profile. 

Thanks to our communication strategy, which focused on vivid, accessible, exciting, and substantive content, we managed to increase the engagement and loyalty of existing clients, resulting in new positive reviews and strengthening the salon's position as an expert. 

This is an excellent example of a successful collaboration, where we not only shape the aesthetic image of the brand but also build a conscious community where members identify with the salon's idea and philosophy.

As a result of over a year of collaboration, we not only achieved the goals set at the beginning but also strengthened the positive image of Joanna Łopacińska-Strzyż's Beauty Salon among clients. 

The constant presence of personalized and attractive graphics on social media, supported by valuable content, has strengthened ties with existing clients and attracted new ones. Additionally, we updated the website and the Google Business profile. 

Thanks to our communication strategy, which focused on vivid, accessible, exciting, and substantive content, we managed to increase the engagement and loyalty of existing clients, resulting in new positive reviews and strengthening the salon's position as an expert. 

This is an excellent example of a successful collaboration, where we not only shape the aesthetic image of the brand but also build a conscious community where members identify with the salon's idea and philosophy.

I recommend collaborating with Mateusz. I have the pleasure of working with a company that comprehensively and most importantly competently helps me manage social media.

The posts and graphics created by Mateusz are professional and in line with the contemporary expectations of customers. Thanks to this, I can focus on working in the cosmetology office and no longer have to worry about not having time to manage social media. It is also worth mentioning the acquisition of new clients who are reached by the posts.

Working with Mateusz is a pleasure, and it is also worth mentioning his high personal culture and delightful appearance😊

I recommend collaborating with Mateusz. I have the pleasure of working with a company that comprehensively and most importantly competently helps me manage social media.

The posts and graphics created by Mateusz are professional and in line with the contemporary expectations of customers. Thanks to this, I can focus on working in the cosmetology office and no longer have to worry about not having time to manage social media. It is also worth mentioning the acquisition of new clients who are reached by the posts.

Working with Mateusz is a pleasure, and it is also worth mentioning his high personal culture and delightful appearance😊

I recommend collaborating with Mateusz. I have the pleasure of working with a company that comprehensively and most importantly competently helps me manage social media.

The posts and graphics created by Mateusz are professional and in line with the contemporary expectations of customers. Thanks to this, I can focus on working in the cosmetology office and no longer have to worry about not having time to manage social media. It is also worth mentioning the acquisition of new clients who are reached by the posts.

Working with Mateusz is a pleasure, and it is also worth mentioning his high personal culture and delightful appearance😊

Joanna Łopacińska-Strzyż

Owner BEAUTÉ CACHÉE Joanna Łopacińska-Strzyż's