Specializes in comprehensive the rim repairs and renovations, offering a wide range of services.

Specializes in comprehensive the rim repairs and renovations, offering a wide range of services.

Specializes in comprehensive the rim repairs and renovations, offering a wide range of services.

It is truly a unique and significant project that showcases how openness to change, consistency, and dedication to the design process, and later distribution, have led us to create one of the strongest brands in the rim of a wheel renovation industry in Poland.
It is truly a unique and significant project that showcases how openness to change, consistency, and dedication to the design process, and later distribution, have led us to create one of the strongest brands in the rim of a wheel renovation industry in Poland.
It is truly a unique and significant project that showcases how openness to change, consistency, and dedication to the design process, and later distribution, have led us to create one of the strongest brands in the rim of a wheel renovation industry in Poland.



Brand strategy

All graphic design

Online marketing

Offline marketing
Social media


Renovation of rims


March 2022

During our cooperation, the small local company grew significantly!

The owner of this company hired new employees, invested in new machinery, and even made changes to its business model, opening new offices and creating a network of partner points in 2 provinces. It's truly a tremendous achievement! 


As they say, the way you present yourself is how you will be perceived. Let's put that to the test! In this case study, I will tell you about the roadmap of It is truly a unique and significant project that showcases how openness to change, consistency, and dedication to the design process, and later distribution, have led us to create one of the strongest brands in the rim of a wheel renovation industry in Poland.  

The company specializes in comprehensive the rim repairs and renovations, offering a wide range of services - available for both individual customers and businesses. At the very beginning, as it always happens, we faced many challenges, problems, and uncertainties. But I knew that with collaboration and mutual trust, we could achieve truly great things. 

And so it happened! During our cooperation, the small local company grew significantly! The owner of this company hired new employees, invested in new machinery, and even made changes to its business model, opening new offices and creating a network of partner points in 2 provinces. It's truly a tremendous achievement! 

But what delights me the most is that the company's growth goes hand in hand with the development of the website, which transformed from a simple business card into a comprehensive expert platform, consisting of up to 25 subpages! 

My role in the process

My role in this process was not only to design everything from scratch but also to work on the conceptual and broader brand creation strategy.

Before diving into the work, I conducted a thorough analysis of the competition, both local, nationwide, and international. I searched for gaps in the industry and elements that could distinguish the new brand. Based on my extensive notes, together with the guys from, we developed a holistic strategy and defined the values we want to represent and convey to our audience.

But you know what? All of that is UX and technical aspects, which we constantly analyzed, checked, and updated. In this post, I would like to focus on the fruits, which are the essence of the brand ecosystem.

Standout Photos: Art, Passion, and Authentic

When I embarked on designing the visual identity and website, I knew I had to create something exceptional that would set the brand apart from others. First and foremost, we decided to hire a professional photographer. Sure, we could have taken generic smartphone photos like our competitors or used stock images, but that wasn't our goal. We wanted something authentic that would evoke emotions in our audience and set the right atmosphere. The guys from set up a professional photo studio in their office. We used lights, backdrops, and canvas as backgrounds, which resulted in creating unique frames. If Caravaggio were to paint the rims of wheels in his paintings, this is how they would look!

I probably don't need to explain why investing in a photographer is worth it. But alright, I'll tell you! First and foremost, you get that "something." I can't quite put it into words, but every photographer knows how to capture that detail. As a result, the photos look professional, which reflects positively on the entire brand, creating positive associations in the minds of the audience and enhancing credibility.

Additionally, the photos were focused on the target, tailored to the created style, and characterized by uniqueness. These photographs are the result of combining two passionate worlds - the rim of a wheel renovations and photography. It's a blend of art, creativity, and engagement.

Time for Design!    

After defining the framework of the strategy, it was time for the practical side of the project. I developed the logo, color scheme, typography, and the entire aesthetics that were meant to reflect the brand. This was incredibly important as we wanted to be recognizable, consistent, and trustworthy at every stage.

The very concept of the logo was very simple, and honestly it was created on the knee. The inspiration was undoubtedly the hot wheels logo.

Time for Webdesign!

The brand's communication center was the website. This is evident from the fact that the brand name is the domain name, which emphasizes its significance as the main point of contact with the audience.

The website development process took about 2 months. However, the site is still in the phase of development and A/B testing, constantly evolving alongside the company. It's a living organism that showcases the fantastic utilization of the website as a business tool.

Thanks to the integrated analytics, I can observe how users interact with different tabs on the website. It firmly verified my ego. I quickly discovered that some subpages didn't attract much interest - they weren't even scrolled halfway through.

It was like building with Lego blocks - I could experiment, test, and adjust my ideas based on the data obtained. This taught me the importance of listening to users' needs and adapting the website to their expectations. Validating ideas allowed me to adjust the site's structure to make it more intuitive for visitors.

This experience was highly instructive for me. When it comes to design, I was heavily inspired by Wordpress templates. I replicated some sections 1:1. I spent a lot of time analyzing various website structures, graphic compositions, and their usability. This was particularly crucial for me because I lacked my own style. But I knew I would never use ready-made templates 100%. Designing from scratch gives me full control and flexibility - I can tailor the project to the individual needs of the audience and the brand's aesthetics. I can freely expand the structure, add new sections, features, and integrations to adapt the website to the growing business needs of our clients.

Website Content and SEO  

We focused on detailed offer descriptions and optimized headers with keywords to improve the website's visibility in search results. By implementing effective SEO strategies, we aimed to reach a larger audience and increase website traffic. 

First, I conducted keyword research to identify popular phrases related to the rim of a wheel renovation industry. Then, I focused on optimizing the website's content. We created a corporate blog with unique and valuable topics that incorporated selected keywords. 

The next step was internal and external linking. I created connections between different subpages of the website. Additionally, we obtained external links from reputable sites with similar topics, which contributed to improving our search engine rankings. 

I also took care of local SEO, especially concerning the services offered in specific geographic areas. We registered the company on local platforms such as Google My Business. 

Another crucial aspect is speed and responsiveness. I ensured that the website displays well on various mobile devices. I also improved the website's performance for fast and smooth loading, providing a better experience for visitors. 

Lastly, but no less important, I regularly monitored and analyzed the results of our efforts. I primarily utilized analytical tools such as Google Analytics to track search engine rankings. I analyzed the data, identified strengths and weaknesses in our SEO strategy, and based on that, we determined our future directions. 

Social Media - 100% Social   

Under my supervision, social media also became an important focus, with a primary emphasis on Facebook as the main platform for brand interactions with customers - at the top of the sales funnel. utilizes social media to build brand image, engage with the audience, and maintain close relationships with customers. Through inspiring content, a casual communication style, and active involvement, the company consistently earns customer loyalty and builds a positive reputation.

On the fan page, you will find diverse content that engages the audience on multiple levels. The posts focus on expertise, showcasing the team's knowledge and skills. Additionally, there are inspiring before and after photos as well as images of rims from satisfied customers.

Furthermore, we leverage Facebook Ads to effectively acquire new customers, increase brand awareness, and strengthen relationships with existing clients. Facebook Ads allow for precise local targeting and personalization of ad campaigns, enabling the efficient delivery of marketing messages to individuals interested in the rim of a wheel renovation services.

People-Made Marketing for People is not just about internet marketing; we also embrace a variety of traditional marketing approaches. Billboards, banners, flyers, business cards, catalogs - we've got it all! But this company is more than just printed or digital advertising materials. 

It's primarily about people with big hearts who love engaging in community life.

Have you heard about the volleyball team from Bielawa? Yes, indeed! Renowacja-Felg is one of the sponsors of this incredible club! We provide not only financial support but also full encouragement! Our entire company is their biggest fan, always cheering for their victories! It's not just about profits here; it's about building a community and supporting local talents.

And what about car rallies and races? Automotive vibes are a natural environment for our brand! We're there to support all adrenaline enthusiasts and promote a healthy lifestyle. We sponsor these events because we believe in the power of joy that comes from physical activity. Whether it's racing on the track or pushing their limits while running, we're there to raise their spirits and cheer them on!

However, our involvement doesn't end with entertainment aspects. An essential element of our philosophy is also charity work. We regularly organize and support numerous initiatives aimed at helping those in need in our community. We collaborate with local charitable organizations to create positive changes together and provide hope to those who need it the most.

Expansion of

The company is rapidly growing, not only in terms of marketing efforts but also in expanding its partner network. establishes cooperation with local car mechanics, vulcanization plants, and vehicle inspection stations. We aim to create a network of professionals capable of providing comprehensive services to our customers. 

Since 2022, Renowacja Felg has joined the Nyski Business Club, which brings together entrepreneurs from the Opolskie Voivodeship. 

"Everything we do stems from our passion for supporting the local community and building lasting relationships. Our marketing activities go beyond promoting our brand; they are about fostering connections, engaging in community life, and giving back. Our marketing endeavors are just one aspect of who we are. We love getting involved in the community, giving more, and forming enduring bonds. We put our heart into it because we believe in being a part of something greater than just business."