
The main theme of the website design was Scandinavian minimalism - simple and modern.

The main theme of the website design was Scandinavian minimalism - simple and modern.

The main theme of the website design was Scandinavian minimalism - simple and modern.

Marta has been living with her family in Denmark for many years, where she also runs a local cleaning company offering a range of services for residential and office spaces.
Marta has been living with her family in Denmark for many years, where she also runs a local cleaning company offering a range of services for residential and office spaces.
Marta has been living with her family in Denmark for many years, where she also runs a local cleaning company offering a range of services for residential and office spaces.






Google Buissnes Site
Logo Design


cleaning service


February 2022

Project Scope: 

✅ Creating a personal brand, 
✅ Designing a business website,
✅ Logo redesign,
✅ Building trust Sharing knowledge,
✅ Introducing a new service Visibility on Google. 


Marta has been living with her family in Denmark for many years, where she also runs a local cleaning company offering a range of services for residential and office spaces. When deciding to create a website, Marta had three main objectives: 

  1. Building a positive image as an expert and increasing customer trust. 

  2. Reaching a broader audience of local clients with her services.

  3.  Introducing a completely new service to the Danish market - decluttering. 

Initially, Marta tried her hand at using the WebWave website builder on her own, but due to a lack of time, she decided to entrust the task to someone else. That someone was me. Our collaboration was smooth and entirely remote - we had a few phone calls, but overall, most of our communication relied on regular messages.

I invite you to explore the results of our collaboration, which I have described below.  

It always starts with a blank page and a conversation. At the beginning, I wanted to fully understand the specifics of Marta's services and industry, as well as get to know her personally - because she was the focal point of the company-client communication. 

We had extensive discussions about the target audience, company goals, as well as the content, functionality, and appearance of the future website. The initial idea was to create a simple one-page website, but after outlining the entire information architecture and considering all aspects, we decided to go for a more elaborate option. 

The new website was designed to be:

✅ Clear, modern, and easy to navigate - standard,
✅ Visually consistent, distinctive, and memorable,
✅ Written in English for the Scandinavian market,
✅ Website hosting on the .dk domain,
✅ Fast-loading and responsive for mobile devices,

✅ Pleasing to the eye with a clean layout,
✅ Scandinavian aesthetics,
✅ Instilling trust and showcasing Marta,
✅ Rich in content with easily scannable headers,
✅ Clearly guiding the user to the contact section. 


After defining the scope of the project and gathering all the necessary information, I could proceed with the initial design, or rather the wireframing of the website. In Figma, I created post-layouts of the webpage. Contrary to appearances, this is a crucial element of every implementation. 

Its main purpose is to visualize the concept better and avoid misunderstandings during the final implementation of the project. On the wireframe, I placed the main sections, their headers, content, graphics, and also buttons prompting the user to take action. 

The wireframe clearly presents the structure and, in the form of a diagram, illustrates the flow of users through the website. At this stage, it also showcases the initial color and typography choices. And speaking of typography, it is an excellent place to define the content plan, topics, and volume for the copywriter. 

I'd like to remind you that a website is not an off-the-shelf product; it's a tool tailored to specific goals and client needs.

Minimalist design

The main theme guiding the design was Scandinavian minimalism. A simple and modern look, focusing on functionality and usability rather than overly decorative elements. Only the essence and most important information - centered around the user. UX and UI in their purest form. Scandinavian websites are usually elegant and minimalist, emphasizing aesthetics, simplicity, and clarity. That's exactly how I approach my design style. 

Simple website navigation

On the homepage, Marta welcomes us, describing herself and her services. Below, we have an introduction to the target audience and the offered services. Each section is topped with a call-to-action button, enabling visitors to delve into specific topics or visit the most crucial page - the contact section. 

In this tab, you can find company details, contact methods, a Google map, testimonials, and a contact form. 

Social proof

As a potential client, each of us would like to know who we are truly entrusting our home for cleaning. That's why we have included numerous photos on the website, showcasing Marta herself and the work she does. Building trust and credibility among potential customers is crucial here. And nothing influences it more than social proof - which means the opinions of other clients. I set up a Google My Business profile where Marta received reviews, and I placed them on the website. 

On this website, we have a total of 7 subpages dedicated to various types of cleaning services. Each of them contains detailed descriptions and pricing information. But that's not all! I took care of an extensive section dedicated to the latest service - decluttering. On this subpage, you will find everything about this service, what it entails, and who it is designed for. 

I have optimized the website for search engines to improve the company's online visibility and attract more traffic. The website itself was built using a content management system (CMS), which allows Marta to easily update and manage the content. 

Logo redesign

But there was one more thing that didn't fit the new look - the old logo that Marta designed using an online configurator. The previous logo didn't match the current website, so as a bonus for our successful cooperation, I decided to create a very simple logo. 


A very cool project that I am extremely satisfied with. The website has helped Marta increase the company's online presence and reach a wider audience, resulting in a significant increase in inquiries and new assignments. 

But that's not all! Thanks to the new website, the entire reservation process has been streamlined. Customers can now easily order cost estimates and book services without any hassle. 

I recommend cooperation with Mateusz, he is very specific and full of ideas, available at any time and dispelling doubts. I am satisfied with the cooperation and I will definitely contact him for further projects.


Owner Marta Jacyna Rengøring